CSTA 2024 Members Meeting

London – 19/20 June 2024

There’s just four weeks to go to the 2024 CSTA Conference and Networking Meeting.

During the countdown to the event, we will be covering key topics being under discussion at the Event.

In this Newsletter, we will focus on two key topics: “Container Self-Storage Site Security” and “Container Financing”.

Container Self-Storage Site Security
One of the most important challenges for all container self-storage operators these days is to ensure Site Security. Stopping criminal access is high priority – so efficient and practical access control measures are absolutely essential.

In this session of the Conference, we will examine this topic with a panel of experts:

  • Controlling customer access: how can this be achieved?
  • Integrating access control with back end software
  • What innovations and new technology are available to operators?

The panel will include: Ant Hebblethwaite (DSOC), Tom Williams (Willbox) and Sarah Manning, Secure Store Nationwide. In addition to short presentations, there will be a panel discussion and Q&A Session

Container Financing Options
Container Financing for Traders and Self-Storage Operators will also be a key part of the Conference

The session will include presentation from two finance providers, Clark van Oeveren (Beequip) and Rory Dunn (Approved Business Finance).

The speakers will indicate industry trends and available options for financing containers and self-storage facilities.

The presentations will be followed by a panel discussion with comments and questions from participants

Conference Agenda and Registration

  • Agenda: To view the latest Conference Agenda, click on this link: CSTA 2024 AGENDA
  • Registration: To register for the Meeting, click on this link: CSTA 2024 REGISTRATION (Use the discount code: memberdiscount)
  • Hotels: To view hotel information, click on this link: CSTA HOTELS

Thank you to our Sponsors

The CSTA gratefully acknowledges the support of our Event Sponsors


  • Beequip
  • CNTNR Partners
  • Quickfit Container Accessories
  • Approved Business Finance
  • Stora Software